Happy Women’s Day Sms: Dear reader friends, I have brought for you everything you like Happy Women’s Day Sms. I enjoyed reading it so I shared it with you. thank you my all friends…
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HappyWomen’s Day Sms
Happy Women’s Day Sms
Its 8th of March..
its Women’s day..
Wish its filled with Joy !!
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
Wishing you a whole lot of happiness,
Today and all through the year…
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
Across the miles…
comes this wish
from me to say…
You are Special !
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
U ve it in u 2 tk d world in ur stride !
May al ur dreams cm true !
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
This Women’s Day resolve to…
Get your choices right !
In a nutshell…
have a fun-filled and
enjoyable Women’s Day
It’s Your Day !
It’s Your Day !
Wish a special day to a special women !
D patience 2 listen, d strength 2
support, care is just in a woman.
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
You are one special woman and
i want you to know how very
important U r this Day !!
HappyWomen’s Day Sms Quotes
Happy Women’s Day Sms Quotes
U r the Passion,
U r the Mystery,
U r the Magic !
Happy Womens Day to d most spcl 1
U r everything a girl shld be like !
Heres wishing u a womens day
thats just like U…!
Just the right text for the woman
who seems to be able to do it all
with ease !!
If you could see it from my eyes
u would know u are one gem of a Woman !
We are cute daughters,
we are sweet sisters,
we are lovely lovers,
we are darling wives,
we are adorable mothers,
we are source of strength,
we are WOMEN !
<<<***Happy Women’s Day***>>>
Yo Gal !!
Smart, fun, strong, amazing..
there is no reason for us to not
Celebrate !!!
Like d flower who holds its dew,
U hold me when i need u !
Thanks, Happy Women’s Day !!