My Neighbours Composition

My Neighbours Composition

Man cannot live alone. He lives with others in society. He inhabits a particular place with others making a home of his own. These others who who live near about his dwelling are his neighbours.

I live in a town. My neighbours also live in this town. they belong to different professions. Some of them are service holders, some of them are businessmen, some are students and some are day labourers. They are all good neighbours.

My neighbours are different and so their ways of life also different. The service holders lead a routing bound life. They get up very early in the morning and do their duties in a hurry. The businessmen are also conscious about their duties. The students go to schools and colleges. The day labourers go out to get their works.

Many of my neighbours are sociable, frank and well-behaved. So any relationship with them would bring always good result. We cooperate with one another. We are fellow-feeling among ourselves. When there is any cause of quarrel between two neighbours. They come forward to remove the cause of discord.

It has been said that man is a social animal. That would be true when we will think of our neighbours. We cannot live properly if we do not get help and co-operation from our neighbours.

Everybody has many duties to his neighbours. He should not put any difficult in their way, on the contrary, he should remove their difficulties. He should try to relieve their sufferings. In short, he should stand by his neighbours in posterity and in adversity.

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