The Education Of Woman Composition

The Education Of Woman Composition

Now-a-days it has become most essential to give importance on women education. Today, we do not require to prove that girls should be educated like boys. Parents of girl who are unable to afford to meet the demand of a dowry for daughter’s, find it easier way to educate their daughters and help them to stand on their feet.

But it does not mean that we are giving importance on dowry. The rapid spread of women’s education may create new problems both practically and ideologically. We have to keep ourselves awake and judge the entire problem from the stand point.

At first, there is the problem should girls have the same type of education as boys? It is a difficult question, but not answerable. There is no harm in giving them the same education, for one of the precious benefits of education and to broader their mind. We should not forget that girls will be the guardians of future home life, the mothers of future generations, we do not believe that a woman has no other life than bearing a family. Our constitution also is clear on the issue of equal rights for men and women. Hence we should throw the gates of education wide open for all a like.

A second question often posed is- should girls be educated in the co-educational school with the boys? In a poor country like ours, the question partially may be answered by financial considerations. In the primary stages at least they have to be so educated. Afterwards much depends on circumstances. Where there is want of separate schools and colleges for girls or where institution meant for boys may be utilized accommodation.

The uplift of society depends on the harmonious development. Man’s progress depends on woman’s progress. ”The woman’s cause is man’s” says the poet. They raise or fall together.


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