a school magazine paragraph
A school magazine is a book or journal that contains the literary works and other information of a school. It is published once a year. To publish it smoothly, a magazine committee of usually nine members is formed in a general meeting. The members of the committee are chief patron, adviser, editor, assistant editors, bussiness editors, profreaders, assistant proofreaders, etc. The Headteacher holds the post of chief patron and a senior teacher becomes the adviser. The editor and the assistant proofreaders are selected from among the students. A magazine fund is also made up of the school magazine fee, The editor invites writings editor collect some money by spaces in the magazine for advertisements. Generally, the magazine has two sections, Bangla and English.
There are messages from the Headteacher and the secretary of the school, annual reports, essays, short stories, short plays, etc, in it. It also contains jokes, quizes and puzzles. most of the articles are written by the students. A few articles are contributed by the teachers. A school magazine promotes team-spirit, fosters to express the dormant power of thinking as well as writing of the young learners. It helps to flourish themselves as future writers and poets.