My Last Day At School Composition

My Last Day At School Composition

I will always remember my last day at the school. The last examination was over, the results were published. I was among the candidates who were selected to sit for the examination. I had come to pay my fees for the final examination along with a class friend. Yes, we all feel merry and light-hearted.

I was a busy boy. There was so much to be done. I had to get clearance certificates from the library and the laboratory. Records had to hunted up by the gentlemen in charge had to convince themselves that I had returned all property belonging to the school that I had permitted to use. Those who stayed at a boarding had to get similar certificates from the boarding superintendent. At the counter, when the fees were being paid, a few on both sides some were inclined to show high and mighty, but on the whole we behaved admirably.

I admit that, the busy day had come to an end. I felt a sort of vacuum in my mind. Last day of my school, an expected lecture was given addressing the out going students, in the addressing we were given much advice relating to final examination and our future life. I had felt a pity to leave my dearest where I had been for many years with my school meta. As I passed the corridors with a friend, we could realize how much we owe to the old educational institution.

When the time for parting come, we were sad. We felt that we were leaving behind a precious part of our lives. As for myself as I listened to-words of advice and encouragement from my teachers and took leave of friends and acquaintances, and slowly passed out of the familiar school gate way, I felt myself really depressed and lonely.


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