Love Status

Love Status: Dear Reader Friends, I have brought for you some Love Status to say to the people you love. I hope you enjoy reading it. thanks

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Love StatusLove Status

*** Do what makes your heart sing,,
Do what you love. Face-smile. png
*** Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to play, to work, to love, and to look at the stars face-smile. png
*** Live the life you dream
LAUGH every day of your life
LOVE with all your heart.
*** I try to close my eyes because I might see you.
I try to close my mouth because I might say your name.
I try to close my ears because I might hear of you,
But I can’t close my heart because I can’t forget you..!
*** It doesn’t matter where you are, It doesn’t matter where I am, you are always on my mind face-smile.png
*** If you send love to anything, it will send love back to you as well. the result is that both are happy face-smile.png
*** The Greatest Suggestion 4 love is do not love the 1 who is beautiful 4 the world, But love the 1 who makes your world beautiful.
*** Pain is temporary, but success is forever. Time is temporary, but glory is forever. Disance is temporary, but love is forever.
*** If you love someone you would be willing 2 give up everything 4 them, But if they loved you back as much as you do, they would never ask you to.
*** No matter how far you are…you are still and always going to be in my heart face-smile. png
*** Those who think true love is not exists, they haven’t seen us together face-smile.
*** It only takes a few seconds to say I love you, but a lifetime to prove it face-smile.
*** We all have that one person that we’ll always have feelings for no matter what.
*** Find someone secial who makes you realize that home is not a place, but a feeling !
*** My life is a jourey of loving god with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and to love others as I love myself !
*** Sometimes we fall in love with a city, just because of someone you love resides in it !
*** I will love you like I was never been hurt before!
*** It is not that I want to marry the most beautiful girl in the world, but a girl that will make my world the most beautiful place to live with face smile.

Love Status MessagesLove Status Messages

*** I asked a wise man…
Which is more important, TO LOVE or TOBE LOVED?
He answerd…
Its is similar to the answer of the question :
Which is more important to a bird; RIGHT WING or LEFT WING?
*** True love is when the heart feels quicker than the mind thinks.
*** Let me be the one who loves you even more than you love yourself.
*** When your heart is involved, feet will never feel the pain of the journey.
*** The best proof of love is trust and the best way to gain trust is to honor your promises.
*** Without respect, there is no love; Without mercy, there is no pity, Withoet forgiveness, there is no future.
*** I was always there for you, and I will always be, please always remember that! face smile.
*** Being someone’s first love is nice, but to be their last love is perfect.
*** I love too fast, try too hard, and get hurt too easily.
*** For every truth is an ear to hear it.
For every beauty there is an eye to see it.
and For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
*** There is only a thin wall between love & hate, and sometimes it looks like we are dancing on that wall !!
*** It is very hard to pretend that you love someone when you don’t and it is even harder to pretend that you don’t love someone when you really do.
*** This is who I am, If you love me then you should accept me otherwise don’t try to change me!
*** I am not famous in this world but I know I am famous in someone’s heart and that is all what I want.
*** It may be easy to fool eyes but it is really hard to fool the heart, a loving heart is the beginning of happiness and nothing can stop it !
*** You need to open your heart to let love flow, only then suddenly you get the most beautiful love you will ever experience in your life.

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